Top 3 Things To Perfect Before You Can Make it Big! Thursday, Sep 23 2010 


For many of us our ultimate dream is to become a icon, a celebrity that everyone else wishes they could be. However before you start pushing for your dream there are a few things that you should have done when getting started.

Perfecting your Talent: While we all wish that we didn’t need any practice and it would just come to us, the reality is having talent and keeping it are two totally different things. It is important as with any form of talent whether its sports, dance, vocals, instrumentals, juggling, or whatever you must continue to practice and use it. Or else it may die out.

Perfecting Yourself: Whether its the big screen or the big stage you need to perfect your own image before you run to the for front. The words “First impressions” are there for a reason. It is important that you not only take pride in your image but keep it up everyday, you never know who you’ll meet or when you will meet them.

Perfecting Your Business: While your talent maybe singing you still need to know the ins and outs of the industry. In fact the more you know about the field or area you are going into the better off you will be. It’s like being a supervisor for a plant. If you don’t know what it is that each employee must do, how do you know they are doing it right or doing anything at all? Remember to educate yourself about everything you can. This will in sure that you are protected. After all who better to protect your interests than you!

Though we all want to make things happen right away, and are searching for the money in our field it is good business to be sure you have all your ducks in a row before you head in full force. Taking an extra 6 months-to a year should not be the end of the world after all you still have your whole life ahead of you.

If you think you are ready for the majors, and want to give it a try tune into Talent TV and let the world see for themselves! Log on and make your profile today

American Idol Contestant Killed in a hit and Run accident~ Tuesday, Jul 28 2009 


The 25-year-old two-times American Idol contestant Alexis Cohen was killed in a hit and run car accident.

American Idol

American Idol

Cohen, 25, who also appeared on the View, Live with Regis and Kelly and Howard Sterm’s radio show was struck early Saturday morning in Seaside Heights. Two passerby’s who called 911 found her around 4 a.m., Deputy Chief Michael Mohel of the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office tells the Morning Call newspaper of her hometown, Allentown, Penn.

She was pronounced dead at 6:35 a.m. at the Community Medical Center in Toms River, N.J. Autopsy results show she suffered chest, head and abdominal injuries,

Daniel Bark, 23, was arrested around 6 p.m. Sunday and charged with causing Cohen’s death by reckless driving and leaving the scene of a collision, The Star-Ledger reports.

In a hearing today, Superior Court Judge Wendell E. Daniels said Bark will be also be charged with aggravated manslaughter, death by auto and eluding.

Bark is currently being held in Ocean County Jail in Toms River, N.J. on $185,000. His lawyer said: “He’s having an extremely difficult time mentally coming to terms with the fact that there’s an allegation that he caused a death. My client is in a state of mind where he is going to be under suicide watch.”

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Jennifer Aniston New Movie “Love Happens”~ Sunday, Jun 21 2009 


The beautiful actress Jennifer Aniston is at it again with a New Movie titled” Love Happens” will she find love on the big screen with Aaron Eckhart?

View the Trailer

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